Friday, February 17, 2012

Fit Challenge Competitor, Emily Hanson - Week 3

This week has been very much a blur.  In fact, as I sit down to write this blog I can hardly remember the happenings of the past week.  I remember little snippets of things I wanted to write about but no clue as to where in the week they fell.  You see, I have this “problem” where when things are really chaotic in my life, I tend to actually make myself forget the things I don’t want to remember.  I don’t know if that’s normal or if that makes sense, but it’s what happens.  So, here’s to a rather random and spastic blog!
Speaking of spastic, on Monday towards the end of our workout I had the weirdest thing ever happen.  We were doing the sitting squats against the wall and out of nowhere my legs started shaking like mad.  I’m not talking about a little twitch; I’m talking about the roadrunner’s legs going crazy getting ready to take off!  I couldn’t stop laughing because it just looked so hilarious! It was almost as if I was running in place super-fast like the football players do as a warm-up... only I was trying my hardest to stay still.  When I got to work that morning, I made the mistake of wearing heels.  Now I should preface this with: I can RUN in heels.  Seriously, I’m a pro.  So I figured no big deal, legs are still a little shaky but I’ll be fine!  Well, I’m fine, but I definitely made a little closer of friends with the stairs than I had wanted.  As the day went on my legs chilled out, but it was a fun experience to say the least.
The rest of the week flew by.  The workouts are great.  I feel like each time I’m pushing myself to new limits (sometimes that results in a little throwing up, but I know it’s my body still adapting to the serious lifestyle change, so I can deal with it.)  I’m really learning to love the workouts because I feel so much better each day.  I’m not as “lazy” tired as I used to be.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m TIRED, but it’s an entirely different kind of tired.  Along with the workouts, I’m enjoying cooking all my meals and experiencing new things.  Most of the time it’s a success, sometimes not so much, but that’s the fun of it all!
My weekends are probably the most problematic.  I’ve been going down to take care of my grandparents on the weekends and it’s difficult when you’re out of town and you literally have to plan two and half days of food to bring with you.  I think I have everything but inevitably once I’m three hours away, I realize I forgot the almond butter to put on my rice cake.  Damn.  And I really like that one at TJ’s.  But one of the positives about going down to stay with my grandma each weekend is that she keeps telling me I’m getting thinner.  Maybe it’s the Alzheimer’s and she just remembers me at my heaviest, but I’m going to go ahead and say that she’s on to something ;).
Until next week… ciao!

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