Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fit Challenge Competitor, Barbara Byrge - Week 4

Week four reflections: this week was messy. Oh boy was this week messy! Life is messy, and life with a one year old, a wedding less than 100 days away, a full time job and a committment to workout five days per week gets even messier than normal. I can see why the fit challenge program offers 5 allowed miss days. They realize that life is messy, but they also put limits on how much you ought to let life's messiness impede your ability to take care of your own health. Five days in a 12 week period, to be exact. I missed 2 of those 5 days this week. I spent the Super Bowl out of town, and missed my 1st 6am workout on 'Super Bowl Monday.' I was honestly bummed about that because it was important to me to stick to the program, and be consistent for 12 whole weeks. But Stacey and her trainers are realistic. 

They know people have lives, and they live by example of how to fit your 
fitness into your busy day. Most of the trainers work long days, but they get their workouts in. We got home Monday about 3pm and I was exhausted. Travelling with a toddler and the interrupted sleep routines and punishing fatigue that follow left me feeling tapped out. We unloaded the car, and I hit the couch. All ready to snuggle in and finally relax. Then I realized if I didn't exercize now, it was not going to happen that day. I sulked a few minutes. I cursed to myself. I anguished a bit. Then I got off my giant butt and got my running shoes on. I made a committement. I publicly announced that I would workout 60 times over the next 12 weeks, and I wasn't going to let one long weekend get in my way! So I waded through the undone dishes, and stepped over the undone laundry and hit the pavement. No gym. No trainer, just me and my self motivation. What, I did what? YES I CAN! I mean, Booty Camp is in essence a 'teach a man to fish' type deal so in the end I'll have to summon the will to workout despite life's messiness from within so I guess I better get on it now. 

The weeks workouts were tough and vigorous and challenging and I sweat like a pig. I got pushed to my limits and I felt great after reaching new heights. I am getting stronger now. I can jog a whole two laps without walking (don't laugh, it was hard for me), I can do more pushups now, and I can do at least one burpee right (LOL). Its all coming along! Diet has been another challenge too, always. Getting back on track after being gone the weekend means finding shortcuts to the 'shop, chop and mop' required for healthy home cooked meals that usually get made in advance on the weekends. Sometimes I had to make better choices instead of the best ones. Sometimes I found myself in front of a plate of 'uh oh' and had to employ portion control of a last line of defense. My diet has come a long way. Any white food, save egg whites of course, have slowly but surely dissappeared from the kitchen. I enjoy smaller portions of brown rice pasta,quinoa is in the cupboard, and collard greens are in the crisper. Healthy eating is happening, but I'll admit as I have in previous blogs that I'm definitely not 100% there yet. And I think that's why some of my teammates have excelled beyond my accomplishments in terms of results at our first weigh in. 

I had to miss Friday this week to head to the bay area and go bridesmaid dress shopping with my girls. It was the mutually amenable weekend, and that's just the way the schedule worked out. After missing Monday, I was double bummed. Friday is also our nutrition couselling day, and hated missing it because I always hear new tips, and learn from Stacey and my fellow fit challengers about what to eat, what not to eat, great products and all things food. I was in the car most of the day, ate road food (at least it was a grilled chicken sandwich - and half), and ended up at a remote motel by dark and just could not squeeze in an exercize that day. The next day I was at a friends house, and took advantage of my newfound habit of waking early to get a run in before anyone else woke up. It felt good to get my sweat on, and be showered and ready for the day before anyone else. Something about working out in the morning just makes you feel like you got a jump on the day! I was glad I did get some cardio in, especially because this was a celebration weekend in anticipation of my wedding, so of course we enjoyed a nice cocktail at lunch,and some wine in the 
evening! I felt like it was such a special occasion that it was worth sacrificing a few oucnes of weight loss to have some wine. But I did feel guilty, knowing all the hard work Stacey, Nicole and the booty campers are putting in me, and the results they deserve from me. 

Sunday was a mandatory weigh in day. I was ready to leave the bay at 5am, and drive straight even with the baby to get here on time and weigh in with the team. Luckily Stacey had a seminar later the same day and offered me a later time slot to weigh in, so I took the opportunity to leave at 9am instead. I was bummed for the third time that week because I missed the energy and momentum of everyone weighing in together, celebrating pounds and inches of success! We've all been working out hard together, feeling the burns, doing the laps, putting in the time, so it felt raw to miss the celebration. But that's ok, we are only 1/4 through the process at the end of week 4, and though I was solo I did my weigh in and measurments and found out I've lost 2 inches of fat around my hips, and 1.5 inches around my thighs. Take THAT scale! Booya! Bring it on week 5!

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