Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fit Challenge Competitor, Saul Zevada Week 2

So it's refreshing to know that my body is not nearly as stubborn as my brain! I tend to be a person that can be extremely set in his ways like a grandfather in a recession. Once I believe I have the world, and the meaning of life aaaaaaall figured out, there is little hope to convince me to turn the page and read the rest of the chapter. But eating clean food every 2-3 hours has been a great, refreshing experience. Sure, I have plenty of moments where i'm hungry and craving the most delectable deliciousness that any respectable steakhouse has to offer. But there is no intense hunger, weakness nor any feeling of suffering or deprivation. On the contrary, feeling lighter on my feet and energized for any random activity makes me think my body is really thanking me and motivating me to push even harder. Done and done. "What else might my body have to teach me?", wonders Grandpa Saul :P

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